Global Democracy in Crisis: Elections Plunge to 50-Year Low Amid Rising Disinformation and AI Manipulation

A report from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) revealed that 2023 marked the worst year for credible elections and parliamentary oversight in nearly 50 years, driven by government intimidation, foreign interference, disinformation, and the misuse of AI in political campaigns. The study found that election credibility is eroding, with one in three elections being contested, and voter turnout dropping globally from 65.2% in 2008 to 55.5% in 2023. The annual report, which has been measuring democratic performance in 158 countries since 1975, revealed that 47% of nations witnessed a decline in crucial indicators over the past five years, contributing to eight consecutive years of global democratic backsliding. The report highlighted significant declines in countries like Afghanistan and Myanmar, while some improvements were noted in nations such as Burundi, Zambia, Fiji, and Montenegro. In response to these challenges, International IDEA’s Secretary-General, Kevin Casas-Zamora, emphasized that the future of democracy hinges on the integrity of elections.